rhv-academy - RHV Technik
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rhv Academy

The rhv Academy – the competence centre for surface technology.

Benefit from the coating technology expertise of our specialists.

Already 25 years ago, we deliberately began to involve our customers in our work and innovative processes for surface treatment. We would specifically like to give an insight into a still relatively unknown technology. It is only through personal experience of what the thermal spray process really feels like – it is loud, dusty and hot – that the great advantages as well as the diverse areas of use and applications of this process can be recognised. That is why our seminars at the rhv Academy are extremely practical and always include a look into the production processes.

At that time, it was customer seminars, today it is the rhv Academy. In terms of content and quality, much has remained the same. But we too are learning all the time. Finally, the expertise of our coating technology specialists expands with every new project and every new industry application.

No wonder that our Academy programmes will become even a little better in the future. Another new feature is that, in addition to face-to-face training, we are now also pursuing our mission of increasing knowledge online.

Theory and practice – both are of paramount importance at the rhv Academy.

We want to offer our customers a look behind the scenes directly into our interesting machining and spraying production world, combined with the transfer of knowledge about processes, materials and design guidelines of thermal spraying and the associated mechanical finishing. On the basis of concrete applications, the possible uses of thermal spray coatings can be explained very pragmatically and in an easily understandable way. Coating properties can be closely illustrated in our metallographic laboratory and tribological relationships can be explained.

Those who have knowledge are smart. Those who share knowledge are wise.

The seminars offered by the rhv Academy are aimed at these target groups:

Design • Production planning • Production maintenance/repairs • Quality assurance • Work preparation
All those interested in technology from purchasing and other departments

The rhv Academy offers extensive knowledge transfer surrounding:

  • Possible applications of thermally sprayed coatings for wear and corrosion protection problems
  • Presentation of rhv-Technik Waiblingen
  • Basic principles of thermal spraying
  • Presentation of different coating processes and the different areas of application
  • Insight into metallography, coating formation and structure of thermally sprayed coatings
  • Presentation of different spray materials and their properties
  • Site tour and instruction in high-tech processes on the basis of practical case studies
  • Hard chrome plating compared to thermal spray coatings
  • Technical explanation for design and mechanical production when using thermal spray coatings
  • Design guidelines / spray-compatible design
  • Preventive maintenanceScrap salvage by means of thermal spray coatings
  • Mechanical pre- and post-treatment of thermally sprayed coatings
  • Discussion and answering of customer-specific questions throughout the seminar

Talk to me if you need more information about the rhv Academy, seminar dates or a seminar designed specifically for you. I look forward to meeting you.