Development projects - RHV Technik
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Development projects

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Development projects in surface technology are our passion.

Research as the basis for innovative surface technology.

Cooperation with scientific institutions, colleges and universities has a long tradition at rhv-Technik. In the early days of high-velocity spraying or HVOF, rhv-Technik was a pioneer of the technology together with the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg and Professor Kreye. In the meantime, this method has become one of the standard procedures, but is still being further developed in how it is implemented.

One result of this consistent further development is, for example, an almost airtight and incredibly hard ceramic coating with 1900 HV. This special rhv coating has a material ratio of approx. 98 % and is particularly suitable for use under extreme conditions.

In addition to internal coating optimisation, customer-specific development work is also part of our daily business. As an engineering partner, we have a wealth of experience in the stringent handling and implementation of research projects for many of our customers. The joint development projects in surface technology are the basis for very critical product improvements that result in decisive unique selling points.

Development projects in surface technology as measures eligible for funding.

We have a lot of experience surrounding innovative projects in the fields of surface technology and thermal spraying. Publicly funded projects as well as regular participation in project-accompanying committees make us a suitable development partner.

Most recently, we have been involved in projects where the grinding process of sealing counter-surfaces free of spiral marks for highly dynamically stressed radial shaft seals was to be investigated and reproduced.

Scanning complex component geometries cost-effectively using 3D scanners and integrating them into the automation process was another development task.

The focus was on the question of how circular saw tools can be effectively provided with a thermal spray coating.

Technologically interesting: our project on antimicrobial surfaces

We are currently working on the development of antimicrobial surfaces, which is hard to beat in terms of topicality, especially in today’s world.

As we have all experienced in recent months, infectious diseases caused by microorganisms are a danger that must be taken seriously.

Together with the ZIM innovation network, Antimik, we have intensively researched and worked on coating materials and coating processes to develop solutions that effectively protect people from infections.

New at rhv-Technik: Suspension spraying

High Velocity Suspension Flame Spraying or HVSFS for short is an innovative process to enable very thin and extremely dense ceramic coatings. It is a further development of high-velocity spraying, in which a very fine powdered material in suspension is applied to the component.

I am the contact person at rhv-Technik for new development projects in surface technology


Get in touch with me if you would like to break new ground in the fields of surface technology.

Martin Dauner, Leader F+E and laboratory